Contribute to the ‘I Rise’ Project!

Inspiration comes in many formats. Talking, singing, poetry, art, and of course, music. Express and share your truth.
— Christa Chambers-Price, CEO at Entre-SLAM, Inc.

Thank you for doing your part to encourage entrepreneurs during these perilous and uncertain times. Sometimes, all folks need is a reminder that they are not alone and even though you may never meet, you’re want them to succeed, the world needs them to succeed and that you’re rooting for them to succeed. All stories will be posted on this website and through various social media channels. You can upload as many videos as you’d like.

Try to keep your submission between 3-5 minutes, look straight into the camera, and:

  • In the First 10-20 seconds: Say your first name, the name of your company, and what you do.
    (let’s not turn this into a pitch…smiles)

  • 30 Seconds and beyond: State emphatically that ‘You HAVE to keep going!’ and then explain why. Share why you’re not going to quit.

  • Submit a minimum of 10 songs that represents your soundtrack. A Spotify music playlist* will be created for you.

  • Share a minimum of 3 movies that are special to you.

A few tips:

  • No pitching. Yes, you can share what your company does but the vast majority of your time should be focused on sharing a message of encouragement to other entrepreneurs.

  • Your story is actually better when you speak from the heart. Simply look at the camera – and start talking as if you sitting across the table from another entrepreneur who is thinking of either giving up or throwing in the towel.

  • If you make a mistake or stumble, that’s perfectly fine. We may edit these videos for clarity and trim to an appropriate length, but we will keep your story intact.

  • Have the light shining on your face, not behind you.

  • As far as your playlist goes, the choices are yours. We can’t wait to list to them!

Not ready to record your story right now? Want some help making your video the best that it can be? Just email and we’ll help you out!

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