E-Learning Series
Brand Story Discovery Courses
over 20 interactive, training modules
Brand Storytelling: Find Your Why features individual slides that have an audio overlays. We've included as much documentation that we can get our hands on to help guide you on your own. However, working on your own can lead to outcomes that don't lead to breakthroughs because you'll unconsciously keep yourself in your own box. This is why we've incorporated the following into your training experience:
1. Quizzes built to challenge assumptions
2. A compiled report that includes our recommendations for how to either think deeper or differently about your brand
3. A one hour debrief session to go over any of your questions and prepare your script
This self-paced course will take approximately 2-4 hours to complete. In order to get optimal results, we ask that each member carve out time and create the right space to do deep, reflective thinking. All submitted answers are automatically forwarded to the lead facilitator. We will then compile, analyze and synthesize all data and present a unified report to the group.
all responses are captured in real time
Even though you're working independently, all of your responses go to the lead facilitator automatically. We know that your time is valuable and our team will contact you right away if we have questions or if the answers aren't quite hitting the mark.
Having the content come to us as you complete them will also allow our coaching time to be as efficient as possible.
This course in conjunction with Christa's coaching, turned the overwhelming prospect of launching a new career into a fascinating journey. Her techniques combined with a balance of support & challenge are helping me make my story come true.
Mary C.
This was awesome information to know. I learn fact pertaining to the growth and pace of a creative market similar to what my brand stands for. Wow this segment really takes you to a vulnerable place. I can feel the growth already!
Crystal W.
Looking at engaging all the senses as one thinks about ideas on how to build or grow a business sounds very exciting as it encourages the business owner to go deeper in areas one would by pass.
Aisha N.
It's becoming clear to me that bringing my target audience into the development process of designing the best induction chamber ever, is going to be hugely important for gaining popularity.
Janet W.
I love the hierarchy of needs. Never applied it in this way. (Thumbs-Up)
Brian R.
This is an opportunity not only to network with many other entrepreneurs, but also give me the chance to tell my story leading up to my program and help me make it all make sense.
Steven W.
Wow. I just put that all together and freaked out. I've never been able to put what we do into a quick 10 second run. This was eye opening to say the least! This exercise pushed me a bit further. One word answers really broke it down.
Channing H.
This was awesome! The ability to see why you do what you do and how it benefits your customer. It allowed me to see that I am providing a temporary place of comfort. Because of this, people are able to interact with others which therefore gives them the confidence they need in order to be productive members of society. Hopefully it boosts their self esteem enough to where they themselves will want to create the same space.
Que J.
Really like his sharing the definition of hope as a focus on the possible, in the face of the probable. This is the story of every entrepreneur - fighting against the probability of failure to reach the possibility of a creating a new product/service/company
Darrell H.
This is really good exercise made me think about how should position and create promotions & advertisements and to better communicate the benefits especially on the non tangible benefits.
This has been a really evocative exercise, something I can see myself repeating regularly and it has challenged me to get grounded about what I am really passionate about. It's funny but I can see clearly that it all starts with me, my story and the ways I'm committed to self actualization.
Charlotte H.