You're Invited to A Virtual Netflix Party!
We’re going to the movies…with Netflix Party!
The inspiring story of trailblazing African American entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker who built a haircare empire that made her America's first female self-made millionaire.
Netflix Party is a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online. Netflix Party synchronizes video playback and adds group chat.
Install Netflix Party from here. It’s FREE.

Entre-SLAM: Week 1 :: Theme - What's Next?
Entrepreneurs! If there is ANY time innovators are needed, it is now. At Entre-SLAM, we’re determined to do our part to connect innovators with the resources that they need to do what they need to do stay in this fight.
Our Role: To help entrepreneurs pivot.
Our Purpose: To do not leave anyone behind.
Your Role: To keep going.
Your Purpose: To find your purpose, your voice and run your part of the world.
As you have probably heard again and again, we’re all in this together. Which means, we have to come together on a regular basis to support and lift each other. Starting April 2nd, Entre-SLAM will host virtual business storytelling and networking events each Thursday evening.
Listen in or if you want, share a 5-minute story that illustrates the week’s theme.
Next week’s theme: ‘What’s Next’
We’ll share stories, music, trade tips for survival, cook, and most importantly, be together.
If you’re not an entrepreneur, it’s difficult for others to relate. For at least once a week, give yourself the gift hope and resiliency. Many of us will have to pivot and here is an opportunity to rise to the occasion and do what is necessary to keep going.
What We Provide:
Access to training
Access to funding
Access to additional wrap-around support
Access to relevant news about the virus and its impact on your industry

The EmPOWERED to Serve Summit
The final night/competition will begin and an project will be presented.
UHA-First Round Cut
The first wave of candidates will participate in a two-week, self-paced eLearning course. The field of candidates will be narrowed down again. We'll be paying close attention to those who compete the course and the quality of their content.
UHA-Review of Applications
Whew! Thank you for submitting and our team is in the process of reviewing them all. We will inform everyone of the decision, starting August 1st.
UHA-Applications Open
Applications to apply to the Empowered to Serve Urban Accelerator is now open!
Applications are open from May 1st - June 30th
Who Should Apply?
Social Entrepreneurs
Tech Entrepreneurs
Startups in ideation mode or that have been in business for 5 years or less
UHA Accelerator Begins!
The Accelerator will kick off with gusto! The top teams that finish will be invited to present their projects at the annual Summit in Baltimore, Maryland, October 16th.

EmPOWERED To Serve Urban Business Storytelling Competition
The American Heart Association, the world's leading voluntary organization dedicated to building healthier lives, is seeking start-up companies, teams, individuals and nonprofits to compete in EmPOWERED to Serve, an urban business storytelling competition.
This competition will bring innovative solutions to communities to remove barriers to health and well being. The EmPOWERED To Serve competition is an opportunity for companies and organizations to effect change in urban communities.
The top 10 business models will receive an opportunity to display and present their business models at the Association's EmPOWERED to Serve Summit and gala on Tuesday, October 17th at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. A panel of judges will choose the top three competitors who will win cash prizes to activate their plans:
First place: $30,000
Second place: $20,000
Third place: $10,000
Candidates may apply HERE; the application deadline is 11:59 p.m. (EST) by September 5th 2017. There is no fee required for applying.
The competition will be live streamed on the Entre-SLAM Facebook page.

Entre-SLAM Milwaukee
We're bringing the show to Milwaukee along with the Unleash Launch campaign.

Koncenter: Grow Your Business Conference
Entre-SLAM is excited to be one of the sponsors for the Grow Your Business conference.