Entre-SLAM Hosts Urban Business Storytelling Competition for the American Heart Association
The American Heart Association, the world's leading voluntary organization dedicated to building healthier lives, is seeking startup companies, teams, individuals and nonprofits to compete in EmPOWERED to Serve.
This urban business storytelling competition will bring innovative solutions to communities to remove barriers to health and well being. The EmPOWERED to Serve competition is an opportunity for urban-based companies and organizations to affect community change.
Candidates may apply HERE; the application deadline is 11:59 p.m. (EST) by September 5th 2017.
The top 10 business models will receive an opportunity to display and present their business models at the Association's EmPOWERED to Serve Summit and gala on Tuesday, October 17th at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. A panel of judges will choose the top three competitors who will win cash prizes to activate their plans:
First place: $30,000
Second place: $20,000
Third place: $10,000
The competition will be live streamed on the Entre-SLAM Facebook page.
Samples Ideas That Are Built to Serve:
Healthy eating and access to healthy food sources
Access to Healthcare
Virtual health office visits
Heart and health monitoring apps
Access to education and entrepreneurial opportunities